Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why did God create us as sinners?

If God hates us sinning then why did he give us the power to be able to sin when he created us to begin with?

Is Christianity a good "religion" to follow?

I was just wondering... with all the religions and different kinds of Bibles there are, how do we know that Christianity is a good religion to follow? Doesn't it say that the Jews are God's chosen people? If that's true then why did God only choose one group and not all of us?

Should you "feel" saved?

When you're saved, are you supposed to feel saved? Like aren't you supposed to have some sort of assurance of salvation because most of the time I still feel as unsure as I ever have.

Is God Unfair?

doesnt it seem a little unfair about the whole "potter uses his vessels for His own purpose" thing that God saves some people and just kinda throws other peoples' lives away to glorify Himself. (i know that's not the way it really is, it just seems that way to me)

Who Picks?

I was always wondering:
does God pick who will be saved or is that an independent decicion that we as humans make?

What Am I?

I'm confused. I believe that God is there watching over me, and I pray to him a lot, but sometimes I'll do bad things on purpose, and I feel that sometimes I don't care. It's like...sometimes I'm a Christian and sometimes I'm not. What am I?