Thursday, December 15, 2011


Welcome to the Ask Burb Blog. Right now, this post should suffice as an area for you to ask anonymous questions that you may have pertaining to God, faith, or whatever. Just respond to this post by clicking on the comments button below (this post) with your questions, then I'll post them as individual blogs with a response that you can comment on. The questions are answered in the "comments" section of each post. You can view below to see the questions that have been asked already. Some have been responded to and others have not. Please be patient, each question will be given the attention that it deserves. Also, feel free to e-mail me directly with questions if you so desire. Please feel free to send your friends here as an outlet to reason or to ask questions as well. The only bad question, is the one that isn't asked. Thanks for visiting, Derrick Harris

What should I do, because i feel like God placed me among a certain group of people for a reason, but how do i reach out to them?

Can you tell me a little bit more about the situation, the friends, etc..??


So I know that God is overwhelming, but does that mean in church if I don't feel overwhelmed His presence isn't really there, and I'm not feeling Him?

Great question. I've definitely asked that myself before. In short...the answer to your question is NO.

Why? God is not a feeling. Much like love in marriage is a commitment, the feeling is there, but sometimes the most loving thing to do doesn't feel great. Like when you're holding your wife in the hospital. That's still love, but it doesn't necessarily "feel" like an overwhelming feeling. We can get way off track when we think...oh, I don't feel the same way that I used to...therefore I must not be in love.

Many times, we think the same way about God. Lets be honest, Church services can be downright boring sometimes, but that doesn't mean that God isn't real, present, or at work. How do I know this? Well Scripture tells us that:

1Cor. 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,

Now when the "temples" gather together in worship...God is there. Feeling or not.

Also, think about some times in Scripture when God was definitely most active yet things seemed to feel so wrong. One big one is when Jesus died on the cross. Everybody thought that everything had gone wrong. The disciples scattered, etc. But really, God was at work reconciling all believers to Himself...and it was proven when Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later.

So, my encouragement to you is to

1. Ask God to give you a different perspective of church. Try to go with a heart to serve...rather than to receive. See if it makes a difference.

2. Go do something outside of your comfort zone regarding service. Like...spending time serving in a homeless shelter or helping our your neighbor in a way that requires you to sacrifice some of your schedule. Go find a way to bless someone....and pray the entire time that you're doing it. See if it helps.

3. Remember that you're normal, if you're in Christ, you can call God your Father and talk to Him about anything...especially the fact that church is becoming boring to you. So go talk to Him about it.

Love in Christ,

What do you do when you feel like God just isn't there, and that when you pray your just talking to yourself?

That is a great question that is asked very often. Would you mind reading the blog post on this page titled:

"What should I do, if i constantly pray to God that he would help me not to compare myself or envy others but i feel like he isnt answering?"

Then let me know if its can reply to that post by leaving a comment and we can interact from there.

Love in Christ,