Friday, October 9, 2009

What do we do if we feel lonely and don’t feel like God is listening/responding?

It is when God seemed most silent, that He was doing the greatest work of all time…redeeming mankind through the death of Christ. Remember Jesus’ words, “My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34) At this moment in history, God seemed to be distant and turning His back on His only Son who was hanging on the cross, but it was also at this moment that through the death of His only Son, God was saving His people. So, feeling lonely/distant doesn’t mean that God isn’t there.

If I am hearing you correctly, you don’t feel “connected” to God currently. I think at different times in our walks with God, most, if not all, Christians have times where we feel God is distant. First, I would tell you to look at what God is trying to teach you during this time of loneliness…do you need to find someone to serve, does He want you to rely on Him and His word more than your feelings, does He just want you to wait on His timing to respond to your prayers? God does have a purpose, even for times we feel He is distant. Next, don’t let your feelings discourage you from continuing to read your Bible, pray, and spend time with other Christians. These are the ways God builds relationship with you and can offset loneliness.

Finally, it may take time for this “loneliness” to go away…you may have to wait on God and His perfect timing. But don’t give up, continue to follow the Lord and remember your commitment to Him.

Thanks for your question,
Bruce Young and Derrick Harris

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