Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm struggling with the fact that I'm useless, and even though God says everyone has a purpose, what if i feel like i don't have one?

This is a question that a majority of all people struggle to answer (young and old). So, you're not alone in the struggle. It's kind of hard to answer this question because if we were talking in person then I'd ask you to give me an example of one of your friends who you believe has a purpose and why do you think that you don't. So, all that said...I'm left to speculate generally about you (unless you'll come talk to me at the church sometime DON'T BE ASHAMED, YOU'RE NORMAL). So, I'll just share some brief thoughts that have been helpful to me. My friend Hugh Whelchel (you can email him if you want cause he said he'd be happy to help answer this question has been a huge encouragement to me and you'll hear some of his wisdom in this answer.

Many times we lump the term purpose into a category that it doesn't belong in. Biblically, our purpose is to glorify God in all things. That's pretty basic yet very complicated to do. Many times we run into trouble or sad times like you're going through when we compare ourselves to others and mix up purpose with calling and vocation. Sometimes its helpful for me to remember the differences between these terms.

Purpose: the overall meaning of life. (of course there are many different answers out there to this question). I believe that the Bible is true and that Jesus was God who became flesh and revealed the will of God to us for our lives. That ultimate will is that we come to Him with our lives and offer them as living sacrifices to Him, that we confess Him as Lord (king), through faith. He made us and we won't really know what in the heck is going on unless we listen to Him. We listen to Him through reading Scripture and living it. Of course, we must TRULY believe that Jesus is the real deal...otherwise Scripture will seem like nothing more to us than any other book, but in reality, it's the Word of God. And Jesus is the Word who became flesh.

Calling: your unique passions, gifts, desires. (this has nothing to do with anybody but YOU and realizing what GOD has given YOU). God made YOU...YOU. He didn't make you the person next to you. It may take you a while, but you'll eventually realize the difference between you and other people. You're special. If you hate you, then its probably because you want to be somebody else. But in reality, you're YOU. If Gershwin tried to be Bach then we'd never have Gershwin. If Bono from U2 tried to be Miley Cirus then...well....that would just suck. You need to go to God and say "who am I". You're at the time in your life when you're figuring that out. Be patient, have fun with it, and ultimately, I don't believe that you'll answer the question of who you are unless you seek to find the answer in the one who made you...God. So your calling will be living as YOU-full as possible in all situations. Your purpose for doing so will be grounded in glorifying God with your YOU-fulness. (sorry I'm making up words)

Vocation: Your work. You could be paid for this or not. It is the practical outworking of your calling (gifts passions). This can be a paying job but is not limited to it. For example, lets say that Alice is a married woman who feels that her calling is to love others through her gifts of hospitality, painting, and love for children. Alice has come to this understanding after years and years of prayer, jobs, etc. Alice is unable to have kids. So, she decides...well God must have a reason for this and I can still glorify Him (purpose) so I'm going to start a daycare for pre-schoolers, I'm going to teach them to paint, and I'm going to love the children and parents in the name of the Lord. The daycare is Alice's vocation but vocations are subject to change.

See, our purpose never changes and if you exist then you have one. I assure you that it is to shine the light of Jesus. Our calling is unique to us. Right now I'm a youth pastor and I can use my gifts of music, teaching, and being half insane...but I may not be a youth pastor forever. I've learned that I have these gifts through reading the bible and falling more and more in love with it, by playing in bands, and by asking God why He's given me these gifts. By failing and succeeding. By trying to be other people and realizing that it was an empty vacuum of suckiness. When I was in Jr. High and High School...i was just beginning to realize that I even had gifts. I can't wait to see what God has taught me when I'm 80 (if i stay alive). Our vocation is a place for us to work out our calling but all with the same purpose. Vocation is not a means to an is an opportunity to shine.

Right now, your vocation is primarily school, but your calling is (i don't know, you tell me) and your purpose is to glorify the Lord in both of those things. Try not to see school as a place to perform but a gift from God that allows you to ask the question, WHO AM I? My encouragement to you is to look in the mirror and say, God made me...God show me who YOU made me to be...please let me be that today.

I'm happy to talk with you further and hope that this little blurb has been helpful.

Peace and Love in Christ,

How is God's power "made perfect" in our weaknesses, sufferings, and hardships as written in 2 Corinthians 12:9?

Excellent question. Let's take a look at this verse in context (looking at the verses around it too). When we do that, I think that you'll find the answer to your question.

2Cor. 12:6-10: 6 Though if I should wish to boast, I would not be a fool, for I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain from it, so that no one may think more of me than he sees in me or hears from me. 7 So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

First off, this is Paul the Apostle writing. Go read Acts 9:3-22. There you'll read about Paul's conversion. During his conversion, Christ spoke to Him "literally." Scales covered his eyes and only God could open them back...and his heart was opened to the gospel as well. After that he confessed Christ. Well, in the verse that you mentioned, Paul speaks of a thorn in his flesh. Nobody is really sure what the "thorn" was but i think that its fair to say that it could have been trouble with his eyes that was a result of his conversion experience. Whatever it was, it was painful and something that was chronic (occurring constantly).

Imagine if you had pain that was unexplainable and that no doctor could cure. That's the sort of thing that Paul was going through most likely. This caused him to be even more dependent on Jesus.

Also imagine that you had actually heard Jesus talk to you and tell you how He was going to use you to change the world. *side note: He does talk to you through Scripture and tell you this. *Back on track now: He literally and audibly SPOKE to Paul. If that had happened to you, don't you think that it might give you reason to brag. "Hey, I'm a way better Christian than (fill in the blank) because Jesus loves me more...He talks to me. He gives me powers...I'm better than you are." (keep in mind that Jesus does not give us powers such as healings and such today...those were for a special use of advancing the Gospel and reserved for those apostles during that time.

Well, Paul saw his "thorn" as a gift. It reminded him of the fact that he was not "the stuff" and that the only reason that he was anything was because of Jesus. And that was all a free gift that had nothing to do with him, his goodness, or his coolness but rather Jesus choosing him and forgiving him.

This is the same for you. Jesus has chosen to use you for His kingdom. Not based on how good you are, but based on His love for you. He made it possible for you to know Him by saving you, forgiving your sins, paying your debt. He wants you to remember that He's in charge, not you. He wants you to be dependent on Him and not your "coolness" or gifts. Gifts are good, but they're all from God.

When we remember this truth, it is really another way of saying...REMEMBER TO BE DEPENDENT ON JESUS not yourself. That is what this 2 Cor 12:6-10 is teaching. When we are weak (i.e. NOT DEPENDENT ON OURSELVES, NOT THINKING THAT GOD OWES US, REALIZING THAT ALL GOOD THINGS ARE FROM HIM) then we are STRONG (STRONG IN JESUS, STRONG IN REALIZING THAT WE NEED A SAVIOR). This results in dependence on our Creator.

The world defines strength in "things, money, power, status." God defines strength as "unrelenting trust in Him for all things." That allows us to see the "things, money, power, and status" as gifts from our King that are to be used in service to Him. This frees us up to not compare ourselves to others and to REST our reputation and life in the loving hands of Jesus." Whenever we have trials, insults, hardships, we can remember that JESUS is in us and will sustain us through those trials. When we are weak, we are forced to give up...or go to Jesus. The crazy and awesome thing is that we should actually live this way ALL the time not just when we go through tough times.

Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so, little ones to Him belong, they are WEAK but He is STRONG. Yes Jesus loves me....and YOU.

Peace and I hope that this was helpful,

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What should I do, if i constantly pray to God that he would help me not to compare myself or envy others but i feel like he isnt answering?

Thanks for your question. First...DON'T QUIT ASKING. Many times we treat God like Burger King...but God's not Burger King (yes you can quote me on that one). He's not like a fast food restaurant meaning that He answers when we say answer and in the way that we want him to answer. He's also not like Santa Claus. God is the King of the Universe, the Creator of All Things He is the Creator and we are His Creatures. That means that sometimes we're called to be patient.

I've got a quick question for you that I ask myself when I'm in your situation. Can you think of a time in the Bible when God was silent and that His silence was discouraging?

What about when Jesus was hanging on the cross? Remember His words..."My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?" WOW. What do you think that the disciples at the foot of the cross were thinking? Then....Jesus died. It makes total sense that they scattered. They probably thought something like..I thought Jesus was God and now He's dead. Who is God? Does He listen. Have I believed a lie?

The great thing about that is that in the "silence" God was reconciling me and you to Him. Sometimes when God doesn't "answer" He's doing something bigger. He's causing you to trust more. And who knows....maybe 3 days later you'll see what was up. What I mean by that is that God is at work. The disciples knew that for sure when Christ was resurrected 3 days after His death on the cross. You can rest assured that as real as the resurrection is....He's REALLY working and hearing your prayers right now. So don't give up.

Sometimes we're really good at telling God how He needs to work for us and then using His Scriptures to prove it to Him. I encourage you to commit to praying something more like, "God...what are You trying to teach me? Will you please help me to understand it?" Continue to read your Bible for that is how God speaks to us. I heard someone say this past Sunday. Praying to God all the time without reading the Bible is like talking all the time and never letting the other person speak back. You haven't done anything wrong and God's not ignoring you, but I hope that the thoughts above have been helpful.

Please feel free to find me at church or email if you wanna talk more.

Love in God's way,

What should a Christian do when they've lost the will to fight temptation?

First off, I understand your concern and am so happy that you've taken the time to discuss your situation. This is a hard question to answer over the internet. If you're willing, I'd love to meet with you in person sometime to help walk with you through this struggle. I want to encourage you not to give up the fight and know that it will be hard. Jesus told us that it would be a FIGHT but that He's won the fight for us.

John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Many times I feel like giving up. You may not hear that very often but the Christian life can be like waking up to go to World War 2 each day. I'm unsure of your circumstance but I want to encourage you to fight. I would also love the opportunity to ask you what you've done to fight in the past? The reason that i say that is that many times Christians give up before they've ever really fought. They do this by trying to battle on their own when in reality God has given us a family to fight with us. I'm here for you and so is your church. One of Satan's (I HATE HIM) weapons against Christians is what I'll call the "neutral bullet". He gets you in a despairing place where you think that if you talk to somebody then you've failed or that life will be worse. He then whispers the're not good enough and are a bad Christian. He's good at it cause he's the father of lies and has been lying for longer than we've been breathing. Remember, YOU ARE A SINNER. It's OK that you're not OK cause Jesus was OK in your behalf. If you put your faith in Him this makes you OK with God....OK? Satan doesn't want you to believe that because he knows that when you live out that belief then it vanquishes his attack and turns the light of Christ on his dark schemes. DON'T BE FOOLED. Remember the gospel. You're in a battle, do you see your life this way. The Scripture below is helpful to me when I'm tempted to give up.

Eph. 6:10-20 ¶ Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and shaving put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.

We are in a battle each day my friend. You've got brothers and sisters who fight with you for the same king. There are many fighting against you for the wrong side. Jesus has won but for now He calls us to fight. We fight with weapons of love, the gospel of peace, the hope of the resurrection, the reality of the forgiveness of sins. This is something that you must remind yourself of EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY. Don't give up. Don't quit.

Again, please talk to God and to someone in the church that you trust. I'd be honored to discuss this with you in person. Don't be ashamed...Don't be ashamed.

I love you in God's way,

Should Christians confess their sins to one another?

Thanks for this question. Let's begin by looking at some passages of Scripture that discuss confession.

1John 1:5-10 ¶ This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Rom. 10:9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

I think that it's important that we first ask the question, What is confession? The bible describes it as an acknowledgment of a truth or an allegiance. In the verses above there are two types of confession. 1. The type where we verbally acknowledge our devotion to Jesus Christ, we "confess Him as Lord" and 2. The type where we have a discussion with our peers which involves asking forgiveness. The first type of confession should be the foundation for the second.

The first type, acknowledgment of a truth or an allegiance, is another way of saying that we put our faith in Jesus and we trust in Him to save us from judgment. If we do this, the Bible tells us that we are given the right to become sons and daughters of God. We are accepted because of Christ's righteousness and not our own. Because of the forgiveness and freedom that we experience in Christ, we are able to be honest. We no longer need to play games. We must acknowledge that we are sinners and need salvation. Our sin has separated us from God and Christ, "the Way", offers us reconciliation through faith in His atoning sacrifice on the cross in our behalf.

This is important to understand because if there is no confession of our sins to God then there will never be any true confession of sins to each other. In that way then the first type of confession is the foundation for the second. As James 5:16 makes clear, it is good for us to confess our sins to one another...but hold on. What is the basis of your confession and why do you want to confess to someone? Let me clarify some things.

I believe that it is good for us to be honest to one another (those that are trustworthy) about our sins as long as its preceded by true confession to Christ through prayer. For example, if I've hurt your feelings in some way because of something I've done and we don't talk about it, how can we ever work it out? I also think that its necessary to have a small group of close friends who pray for us and walk with us through our struggles with sin (i recommend that this be a person of the same gender...and its foundational that they are a Christian). Small group Bible studies are great places for this. In this way, confession to each other is necessary and good.

I DO NOT believe that you need to confess your deepest darkest secrets to all people at all times...that would be STUPID and could quickly become gossip. Also, many times people will confess sins to one another to show how "edgy" they are or that they can "outcuss the sailors." I don't think that this is healthy. I also don't think that its a good idea for you to confess your sins to a friend of the opposite sex that your interested in dating. Many times confession can be "self centered" a "poor me" or "look at me" mentality. That's why it needs to be a small group of friends who REALLY know you. People who would help you seek help elsewhere if necessary and all preceded by your personal confession to Jesus Christ through prayer.

For me, a lot of times I'll say, "Lord...i'm struggling with (fill in the blank) please give me the ability to overcome this struggle and to glorify You. Please also give me some other Christians to help me through the struggle....all so that Your name may be magnified."

I hope that these feeble and fallible thoughts of mine have been helpful for you.

God Bless,
Derrick Harris

What makes Christianity different from other religions?

That's a GREAT question. I've cut and pasted some information below that may be helpful. This was written by my friend Matt Slick who runs It's a great website for questions such as yours. I hope that you find the answer helpful.

Feel free to ask more questions if necessary.
God Bless,

Critics often ask why Christianity is any better than any other religion in the world. Of all the religions that exist, how can it be that only Christianity is true? If God exists, why can't God use different religions? Don't all paths lead to God? Skeptics ask these kinds of questions all the time, and unfortunately, few Christians have the answers. Therefore, in an attempt to demonstrate why Christianity is true and all other religious systems are false, I've prepared the following list of reasons for Christianity's superiority.
There are such things as absolute truths

If truth is relative, then the statement that truth is relative is an absolute truth and would be a self-defeating statement by proving that truth is not relative. But, if truth is absolute, then the statement "truth is absolute" is true and not self-defeating. It is true that truth exists. It is true that truth will not contradict itself as we have just seen. In fact, it is absolutely true that you are reading this paper.

If we can see that there is such a thing as truth in the world, then we could also see that there can be spiritual truth as well. It is not absurd to believe in spiritual absolutes anymore than physical or logical absolutes. Even the statement that all religions lead to God is a statement held to be a spiritual absolute by many people. This simply demonstrates that people do believe in spiritual truth. Why? Because truth exists. However, not all that is believed to be true actually is true. Furthermore, all belief systems cannot be true since they often contradict each other in profound ways -- and truth is not self-contradictory.
Religions contradict each other; therefore, they cannot all be true.

Mormonism teaches that there are many gods in existence, and that you can become a god. Christianity teaches that there is only one God, and you cannot become a god. Islam teaches that Jesus is not God in flesh, where Christianity does. Jesus cannot be both God and not God at the same time. Some religions teach that we reincarnate, while others do not. Some teach there is a hell, and others do not. They cannot all be true. If they cannot all be true, it cannot be true that all religions lead to God. Furthermore, it means that some religions are, at the very least, false in their claims to reveal the true God (or gods). Remember, truth does not contradict itself. If God exists, He will not institute mutually exclusive and contradictory belief systems in an attempt to get people to believe in Him. God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that there can be an absolute spiritual truth, and that not all systems can be true regardless of whether or not they claim to be true. There must be more than a mere claim.
Fulfilled Prophecy concerning Jesus

Though there are other religions that have prophecies in them, none are 100% accurate as is the Bible, and none of them point to someone like Jesus who made incredible claims and performed incredible deeds. The Old Testament was written hundreds of years before Jesus was born, yet the Old Testament prophesied many things about Jesus. This is undoubtedly evidence of divine influence upon the Bible.

Please consider some of the many prophecies of Jesus in the following chart:
Prophecy Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfillment
Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matt. 1:18,25
Born at Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matt. 2:1
He would be preceded by a Messenger Isaiah 40:3 Matt. 3:1-2
Rejected by His own people Isaiah 53:3 John 7:5; 7:48
Betrayed by a close friend Isaiah 41:9 John 13:26-30
His side pierced Zech. 12:10 John 19:34
Crucifixion Psalm 22:1,
Psalm 22:11-18 Luke 23:33;
John 19:23-24
Resurrection of Christ Psalm 16:10 Acts 13:34-37

Fulfillment of prophecy can have different explanations. Some state that the New Testament was written and altered to make it look like Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy (but there is no evidence of that). Others state that the prophecies are so vague that they do not count (but many of the prophecies are not vague at all). Of course, it is possible that God inspired the writers; and Jesus, who is God in flesh, fulfilled these prophecies as a further demonstration of the validity of Christianity.
The Claims and Deeds of Christ

Christianity claims to be authored by God. Of course, merely making such a claim does not make it true. Anyone can make claims, but backing up those claims is entirely different. Jesus used the Divine Name for Himself (John 8:58), the same Divine Name used by God when Moses asked God what His name was in Exodus 3:14. Jesus said He could do whatever He saw God the Father do (John 5:19), and He claimed to be one with God the Father (John 10:30; 10:38). Likewise, the disciples also called Him God (John 1:1,14; John 10:27; Col. 2:9). By default, if Jesus is God in flesh, then whatever He said and did would be true. Since Jesus said that He alone was the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no one can find God without Him (John 14:6), His words become incredibly important.

Again, making a claim is one thing. Backing it up is another. Did Jesus also back up His fantastic words with miraculous deeds? Yes, He did.

* Jesus changed water into wine (John 2:6-10).
* Jesus cast out demons (Matt. 8:28-32; 15:22-28).
* Jesus healed lepers (Matt. 8:3; Luke 17:14).
* Jesus healed diseases (Matt. 4:23,24; Luke 6:17-19).
* Jesus healed the paralytic (Mark 2:3-12).
* Jesus raised the dead (Matt. 9:25; John 11:43-44).
* Jesus restored sight to the blind (Matt. 9:27-30; John 9:1-7).
* Jesus restored / cured deafness (Mark 7:32-35).
* Jesus fed the multitude (Matt. 14:15-21; Matt. 15:32-38).
* Jesus walked on water (Matt. 8:26-27).
* Jesus calmed a storm with a command (Matt. 8:22-27; Mark 4:39).
* Jesus rose from the dead (Luke 24:39; John 20:27).
* Jesus appeared to disciples after resurrection (John 20:19).

The eyewitnesses recorded the miracles of Jesus, and the gospels have been reliably transmitted to us. Therefore, we can believe what Jesus said about Himself for two reasons: one, because what He said and did agrees with the Old Testament; and two, because Jesus performed many convincing miracles in front of people who testified and wrote about what they saw Him do.
Christ's resurrection

Within Christianity, the resurrection is vitally important. Without the resurrection, our faith is useless (1 Cor. 15:14). It was Jesus' resurrection that changed the lives of the disciples. After Jesus was crucified, the disciples ran and hid. But when they saw the risen Lord, they knew that what Jesus had said and done proved that He was indeed God in flesh, the Savior.

No other religious leader has died in full view of trained executioners, had a guarded tomb, and then risen three days later to appear to many many people. This resurrection is proof of who Jesus is and that He did accomplish what He set out to do: provide the only means of redemption for mankind.

Buddha did not rise from the dead. Muhammad did not rise from the dead. Confucius did not rise from the dead. Krishna did not rise from the dead, etc. Only Jesus has physically risen from the dead, walked on water, claimed to be God, and raised others from the dead. He has conquered death. Why trust anyone else? Why trust anyone who can be held by physical death when we have a Messiah who is greater than death itself?

Why should anyone trust in Christianity over Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, or anything else? It is because there are absolute truths. Only in Christianity are there accurately fulfilled prophecies of a coming Messiah. Only in Christianity do we have the extremely accurate transmission of the eyewitness documents (gospels), so we can trust what was originally written. Only in Christianity do we have the person of Christ who claimed to be God, performed many miracles to prove His claim of divinity, who died and rose from the dead, and who said that He alone was the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). All this adds to the legitimacy and credibility of Christianity above all other religions -- all based on the person of Jesus. It could not be that Jesus is the only Truth, and other religions also be the truth.

Either Jesus is true and all other religions are false, or other religions are true and Jesus is false. There are no other options. I choose to follow the risen Lord Jesus.

Monday, October 11, 2010

How do Christians deal with a sin that tempts them periodically?

Thanks so much for your question. It is a great question that is very practical. First off, I want you to know that ALL Christians deal with temptation...even the apostle Paul who wrote:

Romans 7:18-20 (New International Version)
18I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.

Now if the apostle Paul struggled with temptation and sin, then it's definitely normal for us to do the same.

Secondly, there's no EASY way to answer this question. Temptation is something that is a part of being a Christian. While we are alive on this earth, we, as Christians, will always battle our sinful nature. It would be so easy if there was a pill that we could take that would make it all go away...but there isn't. The fact of the matter is that we must learn how to battle. If it's not one temptation, then it will most likely be another. But the more you fight, the more victories you'll experience.

But how do we fight? The answer is that we must call upon our Savior to help us. Paul, who we quoted earlier, also wrote:

1 Corinthians 10:12-14 (New International Version)
12So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! 13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Clearly, temptation is normal for Christians to deal with...but we must know that God provides the strength to overcome temptation. It is not God who tempts us because He is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all.

Let's take a quick look at how Jesus Himself handled temptation from Satan:

Matthew 4:1-11 (New International Version)

Matthew 4
The Temptation of Jesus
1Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. 2After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread."

4Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

5Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6"If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written:
" 'He will command his angels concerning you,
and they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'"

7Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

8Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9"All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me."

10Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'"

11Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

Notice: Satan likes to TWIST Scripture and use it as a weapon. But what did Christ do? He used Scripture to interpret Scripture. Now, I'm in no way trying to say that you're in the same situation, but the weapon is the same. SCRIPTURE.

The Bible tells us that Scripture is our Sword of the Spirit. A "sword" is used for battle. We, as Christians, are at battle with the Spiritual realm.

Ephesians 6:11-13 (New International Version)
11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

We stand firm by remembering that Christ is more powerful than the temptation that we are facing.

Hebrews 4:14-15 (New International Version)
14Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin.

So, in short, we can and MUST call upon Jesus during our temptations. For HIS power is the only power that will enable us to say NO to sin and YES to Him. The weapon that HE gives us is HIS word...Scripture.

Side Note: Temptation is definitely specific to the sin that you're facing. It's hard to encourage you with certain Scriptures that may be helpful to you if I'm unsure of what you're dealing with, however....I'd encourage you to start reading Scripture that deals with your particular temptation on a regular basis. If you're willing to tell me more, then I'm happy to help you identify some areas of the "sword" of the Spirit that may be appropriate.

Please feel free to respond to this post. Thanks for your question...and remember...I love you in God's way.

God Bless,
Derrick Harris

Friday, May 14, 2010

How were people in the Old Testament saved? According to Romans 3:20, they weren’t saved through the law—so it must have been by faith.

Good questions. Before the Fall, God’s standard for salvation would have been perfect obedience to His law. Of course, until this time, the actual need to be “saved” would have been unnecessary. After Adam sinned, God’s standard for salvation did not change. Yet, He provided a substitute of one who perfectly obeyed this law, his son, Jesus, to fulfill this standard. And, as you said in your question, people are saved through faith in Jesus Christ alone. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” As made evident in Romans 7, no man other than Jesus is capable of keeping the law. The law is meant to drive us to Jesus for our righteousness.
Using Abraham as an example, “Abram believed God, and he credited it to him as righteousness” Genesis 15:6, scripture states that Abraham was saved by faith alone. God established his covenant with Abraham, and in Genesis 17, God gave him an outward sign of this covenantal relationship through the act of circumcision. Yet, salvation was by grace alone. Although Abram responded to God’s call, it was God who made the call and established his covenant with man. Salvation is from the Lord alone.
Now, why did people in the OT make sacrifices and keep the law so extensively? The Mosaic law set forth blessings for obedience to the law and cursings for disobedience (much like the fatherly discipline outlined in the NT). Yet, obedience to the law was not a means of earning one’s salvation. Plus, God established 5 different sacrifices for his people in the OT. These included one for guilt, one for sin, and a big annual day of sacrifice called the Day of Atonement. During each sacrifice, the guilt of sinners was symbolically transferred to an animal, which would be punished by either death or exile from the land. These animal sacrifices foreshadowed or anticipated the future sacrificial act of Jesus. These sacrifices, though, rather than save the people, brought the people back into a right relationship with God, much like our confessing our sin to God does today. In other words, these sacrifices did not save the people, but brought them back into fellowship with God, and pointed to the ultimate sacrifice, once for all, that God would provide for His people through His only Son, Jesus Christ.
Finally, the Pharisees were the best example of a group of people who kept the law to the letter. I believe they actually began this practice to please God as they were especially concerned with ceremonial purity. Although this act of strictly keeping the law began as a response to justification by faith, this appears to have changed into legalism and self-righteousness. Unfortunately, because of this change, many of the Pharisees and their followers missed their need for the redeeming grace of Jesus Christ.

The Young's

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My teacher claims that the parting of the Red Sea was the result of an extremely low tide followed by an extremely high tide. Is there evidence?

“And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and Jehovah caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all the night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left” (Exodus 14:21-22).

There have been many theories as to what may have “naturally” caused the parting of the Red Sea, but none can be factually proven or disproven. Yet, the Bible itself contradicts your teacher’s views. Exodus 15:8 says, “By the blast of your nostrils the waters piled up. The surging waters stood firm like a wall; the deep waters congealed in the heart of the sea.” (NIV Version). Also, in Psalm 78:13, the Bible says, “He divided the sea and led them through; he made the water stand firm like a wall.” (NIV Version). This does not sound like the ordinary ebb and flow of a tide.

I do believe God can use natural phenomena to further plans, and this may have been a natural occurrence. Physicist Colin Humphreys believes the natural cause of the parting of the Red Sea could have been a “wind set-down”. This is a strong, continual wind that can cause the water level to drop on the windward side and can push up water into a wall on the leeward side of a lengthy body of water. If the wind blows across the length of the sea, a gap can actually expose the sea floor. Obviously, this wind would have to have blown for a long time to allow the land to have become dry and then to allow 600,000 people to cross the dry land. In addition, the end of the wind would have to have perfectly coincided with the crossing of Pharoah’s army. Any way you look at this, the timing could only have been orchestrated by God.

Other theories include the belief that a tsunami with a huge tidal wave at the time caused by the erupting of a volcano was the source of the parting of the Red Sea. Yet, it seems implausible that 600,000 people could have crossed between the withdrawal of the water and then re-arrival of the water caused by the tsunami.

Finally, some people speculate that Red Sea was actually the Sea of Reeds. The problem with this theory is that although it may have dried up for Moses and the Israelites to cross, its normally ankle-deep waters could hardly have “flowed back and covered the chariots and horsemen—the entire army of Pharaoh that had followed the Israelites into the sea. Not one of them survived.” Exodus 14:28. The Sea of Reeds is just too shallow to have caused the demise of Pharaoh’s army.

Again, God can use the nature He created to further His Will. Whether extremely high and low tide, tsunami, “wind-set down”, or unnatural occurrence in the Sea of Reeds, God used the sea to accomplish His purposes in an extraordinary and miraculous way.

-Bruce and Nancy Young

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bible vs. the Book of Mormon

"While talking with a friend about Christianity, my friend (who is Mormon) claimed that the Book of Mormon is more accurate than the Bible because it was easy for the Bible to get lost in translation through the years. I do not doubt the perfection of the Bible, but how can I historically prove this point to my friend?"

Thanks so much for your question. This is a very deep question that requires a very detailed response. In short, then answer is definitively NO, the Book of Mormon is in no way more accurate than the Bible. History does not support it, and most evidence points to the fact that the Book of Mormon is immensely inaccurate. Check out the link below to start your research. It is a wonderful sight that will answer many of your questions and might even create some more from you. Also, feel free to talk to me at youth group if you would like more info.

God Bless,